LGM Law Firm is a professionals’ association which, for a specific choice and vocation of the founding partners, is mainl focused on the assistance of Italian and foreign investors and companies in relation to the main issues concerning Italian law (and international business).
All the professionals of the Firm has over fifteen years of experience in key practice areas and it is proud to provide its customers with a tailored assistance, designed for the specific needs of the individuals, with a special focus on strategic counseling.
The Law Firm over the years has structured specifically to be the ideal reference for medium and large companies, constituting reliable and efficient interface that can best assist customers, pursuing a coaching and partnership strategy with the companies, with a strong cost-effective approach that has proved to be successful.
A boutique of law, which sits at the entrepreneurs’s side to assists, advice and help them running their business and making their choices, as well as promoting their implementation, or supporting them in pursuing their own mission.
True pride of LGM law Firm is its service of continuous assistance to Italian and foreign companies, designed on the basis of clients’ specific needs and requirements.
Through this offer, the Firm operates as a true partners of the companies, as well as of the entrepreneur itself, with continuous and daily contacts with the company that gives birth to virtuous circle of exchange of information, alerts, tips and advices such as to allow the effective performance of the business, even in the knowledge of working in full protection of the law, without the costs for establishing, maintaining and supporting an internal legal department.

Avv. Luca Gioia

Avv. Giuliano Maffi

Avv. Laura Ruggeroni

Avv. Tiziana Tramontano

Avv. Cristina Caloi

Avv. Luca Plazzogna

Avv. Martina Zantedeschi

Avv. Paola Belmonte